The Ozark Off Road Cyclists (or OORC) is a regional nonprofit that has been nurturing a volunteer community to build and maintain soft surface trails for over two-decades. From Fayetteville to Eureka Springs, the River Valley and in between, the OORC has played a large role in establishing numerous trail systems across the Arkansas Ozarks. Hikers, mountain bikers, trail runners, and dog walkers have all benefited from the efforts of the Ozark Off Road Cyclists.

Over the years hundreds of volunteers have left a legacy by building and maintaining trail with the OORC. Watch the following video to see what it means to volunteer for trails in your community, and then #comeplayinthedirt with the Ozark Off Road Cyclists. Future generations can have the opportunity to live healthy active lifestyles because of your efforts.
You can find volunteer opportunities to build or maintain trail in Northwest Arkansas by following the Ozark Off Road Cyclists at